Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dubrovnik, Montenegro and Bug Bites

So we spent two and half days with Dubrovnik. It is funny that this is the city that got this whole trip going we did not stay that long.
As soon as we got to Dubrovnik we found a lady at the bus station that was offering rooms to stay at her house. These are called Sobes here and are very common. So we dropped our stuff off and then we walked the long walk to the Old Town of Dubrovnik. It is very famous for its walls and white buildings and orange tiles rooves. It is very striking against the blue sea!! So we walked the walls in the heat of the day on Sunday because it was SO crowded with people from the cruise ships. We thought it would be to hot for them, which it was for the most part. But the views from the all are amazing!! The thing is that most of Old Town Dubrovnik was destroyed during the Homeland war in 1991/1995. The whole place has since been retiled and repaired. There are some great museums, many shops and cafes in the old town with stunning views. We even saw a nude swimmer on one of the cafes tat is on the edge of the old town wall. We had a lovely pasta dinner and out waiter saw our Rick Steves book and said he waited on him. Who knows.
That night we got really eaten up by mosquitos and I am still dealing with them now on Wednesday.
The next day we took a day long tour of Montenegro. A small country right next to Croatia, it has some beaches and some mountains and is very poor. We went on a big bus and took these crazy turns going to Kotor and Kotor Bay. The Bay of Kotor almost looks like Norway with steep cliffs and interesting bays. Kotor has a small but lovely Old Town. We even stumbled upon a Orthodox service, it was SO interesting!! Then we went to a small mountain village for lunch of smoked ham and stinky cheese. We ended up in what used to he their capital when Montenegro had a King, before world war 1. We went to their one and only King's palace. Just like a cool old house with interesting stuff inside, presents from many monarchys around the world.
Then we ended the day in Budvar, which is a beach town. It is next to the island of Sveti Stephan (sounds like sweaty stephan( where George Cloney has a house.
Then on Monday morning we went on a Cable Car above the city where there is a fort and a museum from the Homeland War, small but itneresting.
The only thing about Dubrovnik that was a little disappointing was that we really felt like tourists. It had amazing scenery but it was hard to get the real soul of the town.

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